Quest Company Junior Wiki

Jonah has homebrewed a number of items for the game that don't appear in the Pokemon5e material.

Beautifly Bolo Tie of Floating


Bespoké Balls

These new and exclusive Balls have custom appearances and special effects. They are created by Kailyn the Poké Ball crafter in Enoki Village.

Boxing Gloves


Fancy Beret


Key Item Capsule

Similar to Pokké Balls, these containers can suck up and store items that are inconvenient to carry. Jonah describes this as a solution to the mystery of how your bike, your fishing rod, and other large items fit in your Bag in the video games. Only one has been seen so far, and it is used to store Pearl's SS Speedmeister bike.

Non-Combatant Scarf

This scarf was given to Pearl by the Enoki professors so that she can keep her partner Pokémon Sealy with her at all times. While holding the scarf a Pokémon cannot participate in any battles, but that Pokémon does not count towards their Trainer's available slots.
